M.S., FMAS, Dip.Adv. Laparoscopy Surgery
General & Adv. Laparoscopy / Bariatric Surgeon
Bariatric is a field of medicine that deals with causes, prevention and treatment of obesity. This field incorporates dieting, planned meals and food intake accordingly and some therapeutic medications in order to lose weight. Though having a control on food intake, exercise and meditations alone shall fail to cut down the extreme and excessive amount of fat amalgamated in a human’s body. And to avoid such situations, we, the topmost and best institution for Bariatric Surgery provide not only the safest surgery, but also we have the best Bariatric Surgeons who you can trust blindly.
If you are suffering from obesity and have been unable to lose weight following a strict diet, exercise regimen, and other treatments, Bariatric Surgery may be an option for you.
Bariatric Surgery is a type of weight-loss surgery for people with extreme obesity. The two most common types of Bariatric Surgeries are:
1. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB)
2. Adjustable Gastric Banding (AGB)
As with any surgical procedure, Bariatric Surgeries carry risks and benefits. In general, the benefits outweigh the risks in those who have not been able to lose weight through other treatments or lifestyle changes alone.
Along with obesity, there comes many other critical health issues which may be fatal. And to cure the same, we’ve some more good news for you which is, our Bariatric Surgeons top the list of one of the Best Bariatric Treatments.
Such complex cases we have seen commonly in the new generation as binge eating now is a trend. And to hop on the trend people ignore their health and unknowingly give birth to such severe conditions.
Body Mass Index plays a very pivotal role in obesity. It usually is used to measure whether the concerned person is fit, underweight or overweight.
An ideal BMI of a normal and healthy human should rank between 18.5 to 24.9.
Bariatric Surgery is usually or in layman’s term thought as weight loss surgery which is intended to disturb the digestive tract/method which will interrupt the procedure and will unable the way proteins, nutrients, calories and other necessary substances are absorbed into your body. This will directly impact on your intake and will make you consume less, which is what we want to cure an obesity problem.
The processing technique starts inside the mouth any place food is bitten and blended. The food at that point arrives at the midsection where it’s blended in with natural squeezes and balanced so supplements and calories are ingested. Assimilation at that point turns out to be snappier as food moves into the small digestive tract any place it’s blended in with nerve and stomach related liquid. Bariatric Medical Procedure may bring down death rates for patients with serious fat, especially when joined by good dieting and legitimate exercise.
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