Personal Details

Doctor Name: Dr. Aditya Apte

Primary Speciality: Orthopedic Surgeon

Experience: 9+ yrs

Education & Training

Medical Education: MBBS, MS Ortho, DNB Ortho, FIIDC, MRCS Edinburgh, MNAMS,                                                              FIJR

Practise Areas: Joint Replacement, Complex Trauma, Ilizarov Apparatus, Deformity                                                        Correction, Limb Lengthening

Personal Details
Doctor NameDr. Arjun Susar
Primary SpecialtyCardiology Consultant
Experience5+ Years
Education & Training
Medical EducationMD Medicine, DM Cardiology
Practice AreasIschemic Heart Disease/Heart Failure/Structural Heart Disease/Arrhythmia, Coronary Angiography/coronary angioplasty/ Pacemaker & ICD Implantation/2D Echo/Stress Test
OPD Timing


Dr. Aditya Apte is a Doctor in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai and has an experience of 9 years in this field. Dr. Aditya Apte practices at Rajawadi Hospital in Ghatkopar East, Mumbai. He completed MBBS from Maharshtra University of Health Sciences in 2016.

Academic Qualification & Clinical Experience:

  • MBBS – Maharshtra University of Health Sciences, 2016

Services Offered

  • Joint Replacement,
  • Complex Trauma
  • Deformity Correction
  • Limb Lengthening

Certifications & Achievements

  • State Level Poster Presentation at NASIKCON, 2017: Presented on the functional outcome of Open IT Band release in Lateral Patellar Compression Syndrome.

  • State Level Paper Presentation at MOACON, 2018: Presented on the functional outcome following Arthroscopic Single Row Repair of Massive Rotator Cuff Tear.

  • Award-Winning Scholar: Awarded 2nd Prize (Silver Medal) in the State Level Quiz Competition at B.J. Medical College and Sassoon General Hospital, Pune, 2019.

Doctors Achievements

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